
Association de Gestion Integrée des Ressources  

Al Hoceima national park

Last vestige of a Mediterranean original biodiversity

Historically the Mediterranean represent the cradle of civilization and the culture of several people, which followed one another along the dimensions of this basin.

The human pressure which was exerted on these dimensions lasting of the thousands of years increased in an exponential way this last century creating a Sea of Conflicts. Its situation as its geographical particular - Forming a narrow corridor connect the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean - influence types of the species that it shelters or which migrate there through.

Nevertheless still virgin zones remain at our days; and the last represent vestiges of the original biodiversity in the Mediterranean. The sea of Alboran, between Morocco and Spain, is one of these special surfaces.

The two types of Atlantic and Mediterranean species are there, in its parts North, South like its depths, Several species of great importance forwards its pelagic water, some are the subject of fishing during centuries such as blue fin Tuna and the Swordfish; and some splendid and imperceptible dolphins and whales.

The rock walls penetrate the sea creating an incredible marine basic landscape, equipped with cellars and cracks, in the form of slopes as marine meadows. It is the ideal habitat for hundreds of species of the small invertebrate to the rare seal monk (Monachus monachus).

The drifting gill nets article of fishing prohibited are malheuresement at the origin of the capture of these mammals. Association AZIR carries out a partner of sensitizing among owners of fishings palangriers to organize them to reconvert itself in a mode of responsible fishing, but it would be necessary that they is suuportés by an in particular international subsantielle help.

Although the Al-Hoceima province is one of poorest North of Morocco; its littoral shelters one of the most astonishing biodiversities of all the Mediterranean.

Calcareous Solid mass of long Bokkoyas of forty Kilometers; form on its northern frontage, of imposing rock cliffs plunging in the sea; sheltering hundreds of rare species of birds, or in the process of disappearance. Creating an incredible sea-bed sheltering of the ecosystems of a large biodiversity with high ecological value.

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These escarpées cliffs prevented the access of the dimensions to the human ones; except for the marine way; thus thousands of birds had the chance of nidifier quietly on these vertical frontages. The largest nicheuse colony of the Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) division these cliffs with the Audouins gulls (Larus audouinii), the Falcon pérlerin (Falco peregrinus.) etc.

Indeed this Park was identified like one of the marine areas most important in the Mediterranean; due to it's high endemic species .